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Summer - Weeks 7 & 8

In terms of Covid, Kansas was labeled in the 'Red Zone' this week, meaning we have over 100 cases per 100,000 people.  As soon as restrictions were lifted and the governor's mask order was rescinded by most counties, our cases started to rise.  Surprise, surprise!  Not surprisingly, however, many counties have now voted to reinstate the governor's mask mandate.  Marion County is NOT one of those, and I think we are now up to 29 total cases.  People seem to ignore science and instead choose to focus on the fact that their rights are being taken away when told to wear a mask. . . I'm so weary of that argument.  We choose to look at it as loving our neighbors!

The other big Covid news this week is that the governor wants schools to hold off reopening until after Labor Day.  I felt such relief when I heard that because I have held off on planning for the fall - there are just so many unknowns.  I hope that her order is upheld by the state BOE.  We'll find out on Monday!

In unrelated Covid news:
Cambry is finishing up her 4-H fair projects.  There isn't a public fair this year, but the 4H projects will still be judged next Wed.  We got her pictures mounted and Chelan helped her finish the porch swing.  I was so proud of her go-getter attitude with the porch swing.  She really drove the effort to get it finished - even working in the hot, hot old garage!

We made our first refrigerator dill pickles of the season!
Our basement is livable again! We moved back in last Saturday and the girls began sorting the Legos - it took about a week to finish that project.  There are still finishing touches to add, like the trim and possibly laying some vinyl tile, but it feels good to have this space back!  Cambry dreamed up the weightlifting set below.  :)


Delaney constructed a cat shelter out of sticks, rocks, and leaves that they enjoyed playing in.

Caiden and Jake made sure Papa did not fall off this wobbly ladder - yikes!
Cambry decided on a 3D pen as a graduation gift from us.  It replaces one that gave out a couple of years ago.  She got right to work on this basketball goal!
Probably the most troublesome news for us this week was that Biscuit went missing on Sunday.  We sort of gave up on her, but suddenly, Tuesday morning she was on the deck eating the cat food!  I thought she was fine at first, but upon further investigation, mostly by Grandpa, she was found to have a nickel-sized hole on her throat.  We couldn't tell if she got tangled up with an animal or if she get caught on something and had to tear herself away.  I just feel awful that she spent Sunday and Monday somewhere alone and in pain. We took her to the vet on Thursday afternoon, and by Friday, she returned home stitched up and hopefully ready to get back to normal.

She was an excellent traveler to and from the vet's office!
At the same time Biscuit was missing, one of the kittens went missing too!  We had also given up on that one when my parents arrived with her from their house!  Apparently, she had hopped a ride with Caiden in his truck on Tuesday morning.  This means that she was in Goessel during weights and didn't jump out!  She continued on with him to the golf course, and that is where she stayed for the day and overnight (during a big storm, even).  We are glad Papa found her and we could all be reunited again.  I feel like that was enough animal drama to last for a while!
And to end on a happy note, the Zinnias are in full bloom right now and I just love them!


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