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Stay-at-Home (Week 5) / Learn-at-Home (Week 3)

I felt like the monotony set in this week.  Maybe it was the cooler-than-normal temps, the lack of activity on the farm, or the fact that my schedule is just kind of the same every day.  Whatever the reason, I felt kind of 'blah' all week.  Luckily, the girls seem to enjoy every day - filling it with video chats, schoolwork, time in their room, and when the weather is nice - lots of time on the trampoline.  Caiden continue to work at the golf course a few times a week and is completing schoolwork on time, and Chelan's week got back to normal as he went back to work.

Teaching-wise, I was able to keep up a little better with grading during the week so my weekend wouldn't be so full of school stuff.  I had 1 IEP meeting, 1 staff meeting, 3 class meetings, and 1 student check-in.  And one night, I had a dream that I showed up to school without pants on!  Perhaps I've been seeing the top half of everyone on the computer for too long.  In my dream, I actually considered showing up pantless as normal for just a bit before I realized I better go home!  :)

The week started with Easter.  We tried to keep things as normal as possible, but it was definitely a different kind of Easter.  We began the day by going to the church so Chelan could ring the bell - a symbol of  our hope in Jesus' resurrection.  Several carloads arrived in the parking lot to hear it, and Chelan's parents even heard it from their house!  The kids hunted for Easter eggs right before a strong cold front blew in and really didn't leave until the next day.  The girls had been playing in the water the day before and then Easter Sunday felt like winter.  Actually, it was colder on Easter Sunday than it was on Christmas Day!  We enjoyed a small Easter dinner together:  ham loaf, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, fruit salad, and zwiebach with Chelan's cream puffs for dessert!  A nasty virus can't keep Jesus out, and some days, that is the hope I need!

 Around the farm, the only real excitement was getting this row of trees cut down and hauled off - all in one evening!  This really opened up the east side of our shop - it looks quite different!

Delaney and Caiden enjoyed channel 12's Weather School with Ross Jansen on Tuesday afternoon.  They learned all about weather balloons on that particular episode.  Who knew the weather would be a common interest of theirs?

No one besides Chelan and me really likes to bake, so every now and then, I force the girls into trying something.  This week, they made copycat Red Lobster's cheddar biscuits thanks to Trissa's recipe.  They were delicious and the girls learned it was a recipe they could definitely make again.

And apparently, we are trying to eat as many carbs as possible while we are home!  I've had a little more time to bake, and Chelan continues his quest to bake the perfect cinnamon rolls (what else would you expect from a 5 on the Enneagram scale?)  He takes an analytical approach to baking - always tweaking, always problem-solving!

 With the weather being less than ideal this week, the girls were busy in their room - Delaney cleaned her side, and Cambry. . . did other things!
watching Mr. Fast's bedtime stories

They finished their puzzle!
I finally took a trip to Shiela's Garden Market for plants since the weather this upcoming week looks like it will be a little warmer.  I think I have a lot of work to do!
 When the sun finally came out, some lounging and playing were in order!

By Saturday, the sun was out all day, the temp. was in the 60s, and it was time for the guys to work the cows.  In Chelan's words, "This is the best part of farming cattle!"  He thinks it's because he knows the cattle are so happy to run free in the pasture.  But before that can happen, there is work to do giving vaccines and applying other protections. 

This little guy has to stay behind so Caiden can keep feeding it.

Generally, in the evenings, we have been making our way through all the seasons of "Growing Pains" on the Roku channel and "Ellen's Game of Games."  We also usually find one movie to watch each week. It is good to laugh, esp ecially since Stay-at-home orders were extended this week until May 3.  Chelan's parents postponed our summer trip, we cancelled VBS, and who knows if any summer activities will get to happen. Corona virus cases continue to increase in Ks, but not exponentially.  At this point, there are 5 cases in MN County.  We are not sure when the number of cases will begin to fall, but we continue to pray for those who are affected by it - both those who are sick and those who are treating it in the hospitals.  We are in this for the long haul, but I hope we see a light at the end of the tunnel soon.


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