On Monday, for the first time ever, Shammi had puppies! We have been expecting it because a neighbor dog showed up just at the "right" time, if you know what I mean! I've been nervous about it because I do not have experience with a dog having puppies. Some of my nervous thoughts have been: will Shammi be able to nurse, will she have complications, will she accept the puppies, will she take care of them, etc., etc. Chelan keeps assuring me that Shammi knows what her puppies need better than we do - so true! She has been an amazing mother so far - very protective and nurturing. It's been such a reminder to me how God created animals with these mothering instincts. In her 71/2 years, she's never been a mother, but she knows exactly what to do - awesome!
There appear to be 4 puppies, although the kids came back in this morning and claimed there were 5. I haven't checked yet. I thought we were done with 2, but more of them keep showing up! They are all black and white, and tiny, and cute - hopefully I will have pictures soon!
So, if you know of anyone wanting a puppy, now is the time! They will be free!
Definitely post pictures! :)