October has been zooming by, and I realized I hadn't blogged in quite a while - perhaps because we have been busy with fall-ish things! Here are some very random thoughts I have had recently, along with some pictures of what we have been up to.
1. My new favorite Pandora station is "Phillip Phillips" How did I discover this? If anyone watched the Summer Olympics as religiously as we did, you probably heard the song "Home" before the women's gymnastics coverage each night. I had wondered who sang that song, so I finally Googled it last week - turns out it is Phillip Phillips - last season's American Idol winner. Wow - does he have some great songs!
2. A certain 2 year old has decided that she should take off her pajamas as soon as she gets into bed each night. I don't know if it's because she just figured out how to use the zipper, if it's simply something to do, or if she really doesn't like to be so covered up. She has never let us cover her up with blankets at night. I do know that she comes down in the middle of the night, cold, sometimes diaper-less, and with pajamas in her hand!
3. I am very excited to watch a K-State football game in my own living room tomorrow night - it's finally on a station we have (if reception is good, that is), and we don't have any other plans! I'm not sure if it's because we know one of the players, but I've become very attached to this team. I tend to do that - I find something that connects me, and I get emotionally attached (teams, political candidates, you name it). Silly, I know!
4. I introduced the game "Annie Over" to Caiden last week. We played over the hay pile. It's a hard game to play with just 2 people! We eventually moved over to our garage roof - it was a little easier to sneak up on him that way!
5. Chelan and his dad have been busy with sowing wheat and cutting the remaining soybeans. We keep busy doing other things:
We took a trip to Papa's Pumpkin Patch last Friday with my mom and my sister. It was awesome - mostly because we heard thunder rolling in the whole time!
The animals are always a big hit! |
Relaxing in the tire swing - Oh. Those. Eyes! |
Pumpkin slingshots |
New friends - this is Quinley. She and Delaney will be in the same class someday. Her parents are co-owners of the patch and it surrounds their house. |
Yes, that is our 8-year-old on the roof. He decided to clean out the gutters last weekend, and I let him. He's the man of the house when Dad's away! Cambry helped, too. She opted to stay on the ladder, though. We have many, many trees around our house, and the gutters are constantly full. It's a good thing they got it done - we had almost 2 inches of rain last weekend!
This is what Delaney did during the gutter-cleaning -- she just stood around and looked cute! |
I was wondering if Delaney ever wore her tutu - I guess she does:)