Yesterday, Delaney turned 7 months old. In the one day that has followed, Delaney went from only lying on her tummy, to scooting backwards on her tummy, to up-on-all-fours and scooting backwards. This little girl will be on the move soon. I suppose I should start babyproofing a little more!
On Dec. 22, I woke up to Caiden not feeling well. In fact, he said he hadn't ever felt the kind of pain he was experiencing that morning. Reluctantly, I made an appointment. Long story, short - it was good he complained because he ended up having his appendix out that afternoon! It must have been at the very beginning stages and thankfully hadn't burst. So, we were in and out of the hospital by midnight that night. Maybe the worst part about the whole thing is that his wisdom teeth surgery had to be postponed since it was supposed to be the very next week. He'll go back to school minus an appendix, but still having his wisdom teeth until February 16! Pre-op Post-op
I love how she always looks to Caiden in a way that looks like she's asking, "Like this? Am I doing it right???" Precious! :)