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Showing posts from December, 2016

Pre-Christmas Activites

Christmas Break is upon us and we have been enjoying lots of pre-Christmas activities -  watching Caiden play basketball, a girls' outing to see "The Nutcracker," playing in the snow, making peppernuts, and enjoying the girls' Christmas program at school.  The program was extra special this year because Cambry played in her 5th grade band and played a clarinet solo. After only 4 months of practicing, they all did a great job! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we will enjoy our church's Christmas Eve program and gathering at my parents' house.  Then on to Christmas Day when we will welcome our California family home for a little while!   It has been about 18 weeks since school began.  The days and weeks have been full and busy and difficult, but here we are with Christmas on our doorstep! There has been a lot to do to get ready, but now that the preparations have been made, I hope to fully enjoy my time at home and to reflect on the gift that Jesus truly is...