Here we are, almost at the end of the basketball season, and I haven't updated a thing since fall! We have enjoyed watching Delaney play this year, and it was a big surprise to see her starting the first game of the season. . . and every game after! Their season has had some ups and downs, but one highlight for sure was earning 3rd place at the mid-season Centre tournament! Keep up the good work, Delaney! During Christmas break, I took very few pictures, but we enjoyed a very low-key break at home. At the end of it, we had a giant ice/snowstorm that actually delayed us going back to school for a couple of days! It was Kenya's first snow and it was sure fun to watch her figure it all out! In January, Delaney got her first piece of actual mail from a Division 2 school, inviting her to a volleyball showcase. This felt like a pretty big deal! Cambry has been busy in the art building at Hesston College. She has created several ceramics pieces and enjoyed showing us the other d...